Make eyes with someone...
This SS17, Finley frames the best shades in town with star power in a super lightweight strong metal.
Image via KOMONO, copy made for pre-testing.
Chris Martin tracked his data and got some unexpected results in The Scientist:
"I was just guessing
At numbers and figures,
pulling the puzzles apart.
The questions of science,
Science and progress.
Do not speak as loud as my heart."
What's amazing is how well this heart idea still works.
Jerry Seinfeld who's spent a decade making the best "show about nothing" has always kept to: "no hugging, no learning."
What's interesting, however was the intensive behind-the-scenes homework. Each seemingly 'off-the-cuff' character had been studiously studied by Jerry who confessed, "to a guy like me, a laugh is full of information."
Not a single syllable wasted as he examined "the timbre of the laugh, the shape of it, the length of it – there's so much information in a laugh. A lot of times, you could play me just the laughs from my set and I could tell you, from the laugh, what the joke was. Because they match."
Advertising legend Bill Bernbach, who knew a thing or two about moving people, had always known that facts were not enough. He called them “Simple, timeless human truths”.
The best lines - buffed to a perfect shine, takes practiced professionalism to make a song.
And, that takes work. And plenty of those feely little things no one can quite make out.
We're just happy that we got the things we wanted, and not because we needed them.
Polish your act. It’s the only way we know-how.